Thursday, May 23, 2013

Once again, comfort food...

Some traditions should not be forgotten. In this busy "rat race" world we live in, it's nice to be able to take the time to gather around the dinner table to "break bread". It's one of the things that has always been important in Italian houses, and one of the things we try to maintain. The kids don't always appreciate it since it does take time, but in the long run I think they will look back and see its merits. It's always a nice thing when their friends want to come to dinner, and I overhear my daughter tell her friend, "yeah, this is how we eat all the time" (with a "that's how I roll" hint to it). So, last night, both kids had friends over (they happened to be brother and sister as well), and everyone left the table happy. On the menu:
Baked haddock with butter, lemon slices, and fresh dill sprigs with a white wine/cream/dill reduction sauce.
Roasted potatoes with olive oil, garlic, salt.
Edamame with sea salt, and salad "fixins". I had made panna cotta with a triple berry compote for this coming wekend, so I let the kids sample some of that, too. All in all, it turned out great. The best thing about it was that our kids and their friends will be able to look back someday and hopefully see the benefit of keeping some old traditions.

Take the time to gather for dinners. Too soon, the kids will be grown and gone, and these times will become altogether too rare.

Buon Appetito! 

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