Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Quotes, too.

“Eggs Benedict is genius. It’s eggs covered in eggs. I mean, come on, that person should be the president.”
- Wylie Dufresne

“Desserts are like mistresses. They are bad for you. So if you are having one,
you might as well have two.”
- Chef Alain Ducasse

“In my experience of vegan food it tends to be a symphony of beige.”
- Jay Rayner

“Vegetarians claim to be immune from most diseases but they have been known to die from time to time.”
- George Bernard Shaw

“The most learned men have been questioned as to the nature of this tuber, and after two thousand years of argument and discussion their answer is the same as it was on the first day: we do not know. The truffles themselves have been interrogated, and have answered simply: eat us and praise the Lord.”
- Alexandre Dumas

“Life is so brief that we should not glance either too far backwards or forwards…therefore study how to fix our happiness in our glass and in our plate.”
- Grimod de la Reynière

“I have long believed that good food, good eating is all about risk. Whether we’re talking about unpasteurized Stilton, raw oysters or working for organized crime ‘associates,’ food, for me, has always been an adventure.”
- Anthony Bourdain

“I’ll bet what motivated the British to colonize so much of the world is that they were just looking for a decent meal.”
- Martha Harrison

“Salt is born of the purest of parents: the sun and the sea.”
- Pythagoras

“There is a communication of more than our bodies when bread is broken and wine is drunk. And that is my answer when people ask me: Why do you write about hunger, and not wars or love.”
- MFK Fisher

“The smell of good bread baking, like the sound of lightly flowing water, is indescribable in it’s evocation of innocence and delight.”
- MFK Fisher

“A man taking basil from a woman will love her always.”
- Sir Thomas Moore

“To give life to beauty, the painter uses a whole range of colours, musicians of sounds, the cook of tastes — and it is indeed remarkable that there are seven colours, seven musical notes and seven tastes.”
- Lucien Tendret (1825-1896) ‘La Table au pays de Brillat-Savarin’

“A jazz musician can improvise based on his knowledge of music. He understands how things go together. For a chef, once you have that basis, that’s when cuisine is truly exciting.”
- Charlie Trotter

“Food without wine is a corpse; wine without food is a ghost; united and well mitched they are as body and soul, living partners.”
- Andre Simon (1877-1970)

“You can never have enough garlic. With enough garlic, you can eat The New York Times.”
- Morley Safer

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